Klezmer-Hois (Klezmer House) is a unique cafe, restaurant, guest rooms and bookshop, located in the 14th-century building of the former mikveh, 100 meters from the Remuh Synagogue.
Klezmer- hois ( Klezmer’s house) is a unique café , restaurant, hotel as well as a bookshop . It is situated in the Jewish district Kazimierz, 100 meters from the Remuh Synagogue, in the 15th century building that once was a Jewish ritual bathhouse. The food served in the restaurant as well as its ambience bring back the prewar times when Kazimierz was a Jewish quarter, thriving with life.
It is not only a restaurant , but also a bookshop and a seat of Austeria publishing house. It is here that one can buy published by Austeria books on Jewish topics (but not only), our unique “Books for Writing”, notebooks, maps, posters and stationary products.
Austeria’s websites : www.austeria.pl, www.austeria.eu, www.austeriaart.pl
Leopold Kozłowski – Kleinman, called the last Klezmer of Galicia, created the place together with us and it was him who inspired us for our artistic activity and instructed us on preparing Jewish dishes.
Klezmer-hois-Austeria attracts writers, poets, translators, philosophers and artists from all over the world who either reside here, work or visit us just to talk.